Sunday, January 9, 2011

How Did I Miss Something THAT Big?!

Hey All,

So I was poking around the fridge and had a total, "Duh!", moment. Part of my shopping scores were amazing, HUGE cucumbers for $0.25 each. Oh yeah, they even beat my marital aids. These suckers are huge! I'll reserve one for lunch salads....the rest go into this:

So one of my favorites, and I may have written about it before, but it warrants a revisit, is cucmber salad. My parents have a take on this that uses sour cream to make a creamy salad with less sugar and no added vinegar. They think the addition of bacon is "funny" but this is how I like it.

In the bottom of a good sized bowl, you'll be putting at least 3 cucumbers in here, so it'll have to be pretty good sized, mix together:

1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup white vinegar (I've done it with wine vinegar but I like white best. Hrm, balsamic might look like hell but I bet it'd taste pretty good)
1 1/2 to 3 strips cooked and chopped bacon
Chopped onion to taste, probably 1/4 of a small experience is the onion just adds flavor and you can't really botch it unless you have more onions than you do cucumber.
A good sprinkle of dried oregano...probably 1 tps. I much prefer dried oregano to fresh. Fresh oregano (as beautiful as it is in my garden) tastes like perfume to me in food.

Peel and slice the cucumbers. I'm sure a mandolin would make easy work of this, but having sliced the better part of a fingernail and skin off the back of my hand with one I avoid the things. Put them in the bowl. Stir and let sit overnight. I just put the lid on and give it a good shake. The next day, when I want some of my lunch, I just stir it up and pull what I want. This keeps for a week or more in the fridge.

I've also done this with the addition of about 1/2 a cup of tomatoes. It adds a different flavor that I find wonderful in summer when the garden is going full tilt.

So another yummy and reasonably healthy dish that's easy to make and store.

1 comment:

  1. I make a cucumber salad with cucumbers, tomatoes and REALLY thinly sliced sweet onion. I use a wine vinegar and olive oil dressing. (I'll have to try the balsamic, that's a good idea.) It makes a really yummy and healthy summer treat.
