Hey All,
I had no intention of cooking tonight. It was supposed to be come home, call Domino's, sleep, and be done with it.
Then I remembered I needed to pick up my blood pressure meds at Smith's. I figured I'd look and see if I got inspired. Well, that was a mistake, or not depending on how you look at it. First up were roma tomatoes for $0.69/lb...WTF? Tomatoes are never that cheap....well I guess its a good thing I need some for the mussels and shrimp scampi on Thursday. Next up was alfalfa sprouts on clearance for $0.79. I'll need to eat them by weeks' end, so I guess I'll just have to have a salad or two. Then I found grapes for $0.99/lb. Grapes are always a source of contention in our house, as they always seem very expensive, $0.99/lb is when I give in and let the Husbear have as much as he wants. So, now the brain gets going, it is kinda spring, although the foot of snow outside sure could have fooled me. Hrm, pizza, grapes....ah ha! My favorite grilled chicken pizza. I'll post that one another day when I get a chance. Its basically chicken and onions grilled tossed with halved grapes on an oiled pita with Parmesan over the top.
Well, tee hee, fighting with Parmesan just led me to discover my computer thinks I'm speaking Australian English....not good 'ol hillbilly English...well, I fixed that. So anyway, the rest of the shopping was disappointing. I couldn't find pitas, but I did find these on sale for $2.50:
This actually all reminded me I have a great herbed grilled flat-bread recipe I need to share with ya'll when I get a chance, too. But back to tonight....
So I cut some chicken up, and some onions.
About a tablespoon of olive oil heated in a skillet till it was good and hot. In went the chicken and onions. Salt, pepper, and then the secret to great chicken for this....LOTS of dried thyme. See the picture, see what I mean?
Once that cooked down, I turned off the heat and added about 1/4 cup of the blue cream cheese I started about a week ago. And yes, its turning beautifully. Its only got a single mold spot, but the flavor is OMG! And for good measure a bit of the blue cheese and cranberries I picked up at NPS. It was another ridiculous score, something like $0.99 for the tub.
So stir that up. Its ready to serve now, or you can let it cool. It will thicken back up as it cools and the cheese flavor actually intensifies a bit if you let it cool. Can you imagine this on a croissant on a picnic? I'm getting springy food ideas already.
So the rest is pretty straightforward...oh, the hardest part of this dish, cutting all those damn grapes in half. So here's the pictures of it going together.
So it is a bit lighter....so we did it with chips and probably a snack later. I hope you enjoy!
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